Projects / Global Learning through Music and Dance

Global Learning through Music and Dance

The last Global Learning for Artists' course of Music for Change's DfID-funded World Music Matters project took place in 2010. A fantastically diverse group of talented artists signed up for the course, bringing a vast range of experience, skills and talent to the mix. The course was jointly facilitated by artists Sujata Banerjee, Téa Hodzic, Usifu Jalloh and Lucky Moyo who collaborate on Music for Change's educational work; playwright and drama practitioner Sara Clifford; and Helen Garforth who brought a wealth of Development Education experience.  

The aim of the course was to inspire and equip artists to develop creative cross-curricular projects with a global dimension, which support young people in understanding the world around them, encourage critical thinking and spur action for positive change.


Music and Dance - Global learning

Music and Dance - Global learning

One participant Janna Eliot has already put some of the course learning in to action, she writes:

 "Just wanted to let you know that today we had our first all-day workshop on Romani culture of 2010, and I incorporated many of the ideas and tips learnt during the week I spent with you.  It was really successful and I thank you and all your team for the very useful suggestions I was able to adapt.  I really saw the difference in the interest and enthusiasm of the pupils.  And the teachers commented on the child-centred approach.  Thanks again, all best wishes, Janna"

Joint Artist & Teacher Sessions

Visiting professional artists from, or influenced by, art forms from around the world, offer a rich and creative stimulus for learning with a global perspective, but such visits require careful planning to ensure they are embedded in the context of the learning and that negative stereotypes are not inadvertently reinforced. Joint artist and teacher professional development sessions are a really good way to explore the contribution artists and the arts can make and are a valuable forum to discuss any concerns or potential pitfalls. As part of the World Music Matters project artists Sujata Banerjee and Alex D Great delivered sessions in conjunction with  TIDE~ (Teachers in Development Education) Birmingham and at Canterbury Christ Church University to explore these themes with teachers and trainee teachers. These sessions were funded through the DfID World Music Matters project, which unfortunately came to an end in March. Feedback from teachers suggests that such INSET opportunities are valued, and we are keen to explore ways of delivering more of these types of sessions in the future.