Projects / Global Sounds 2013

Global Sounds 2013

Music for Change's annual world music event, Global Sounds, took place on the 26th of August. The event was a community-spirited, family-friendly celebration of music from around the world and was free to audiences.

There were superb perfomances from a capella vocal group, Black Voices; traditional Eastern European music from the incredible Paprika; folk from multi-instrumentalist virtuosos Tim Edey and Brendan Power; and contemporary Afro-folk from Namvula. Emmanuel the Magnificant wowed the crowd with his incredible circus skills (including his unique ability for balancing bicycles on his head!) and wonderful percussionist George Fiawoo presented a hugely popular drumming workshop. Wheely Groovy provided a bicycle-powered sound system and delicious food was provided by Veggin' Out and the Canterbury Curry Club! Acclaimed storyteller Usifu Jalloh, entertained the audience with his storytelling skills and infectious laugh; he even treated us to a display of salsa dancing!

We would like to thank our funders Arts Council England and Canterbury City Council for their support.  

Grants for the Arts

Grants for the Arts

Global Sounds video

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